Banning users is very simple. Simply be logged in on an admin account in-game, or have access to the Telnet RCon and type the following command:

ban <PlayerName> <Duration> <UnitOfTime>

like so:

ban entangld 100 years

The unit of time value can represented in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. To hard config a permanent ban, you can manually add it to your serveradmincustom.xml file. To access your serveradmincustom.xml file, log into the Control Panel, go to your game service, and click Configuration Files. From there, onpen serveradmincustom.xml with the test editor.

At the bottom of the page, you will see the following XML Elements:


You manually blacklist a user and add a reason, Change the section to look like this:

        <blacklisted steamID="Steam64ID" unbandate="2019-12-07 14:56:34" reason="You are Banned!" />

The reason for the ban will be broadcasted to the user when they try to connect to the server.

To permanently blacklist a user, We recommend setting your unban date to any time in the year 3019. This will ensure they are permanently banned. 

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