Although this step requires you to go through more steps to connect, the advantage of using the Windows 10 Telnet Client to access your 7 Days to Die server is that you can connect from any Windows 10 computer. If you are out with some friends and a problem arises, you can simply set up the Windows 10 Telnet Client to run, and then you will have access to your server.
To enable the Windows 10 Telnet Client, please follow the steps on this Microsoft wiki article: Windows 10 Enabling Telnet Client.
Now that you have enabled your Telnet Client, simply open the windows command prompt by typing Windows Key + R. This will open a run window, type “cmd” to run the command prompt. From there, type telnet and hit Enter. You will now be in the windows telnet client.
Now that you have the telnet client open, simply type “o IP Port” This will open a connection to the telnet server. An example would be “o 26910
” Next, all that needs to be done, simply type in your password and press enter. Once complete, you will have telnet access to your server.